Did you know that Ramadhan is divided into three important parts. The first 1o days of Ramadhan bring Allah's mercy, the second 10 days bring Allah's forgiveness and the last 10 days bring emancipation from Hell fire. Since we are still within the last few days of the 2nd part of Ramadhan I wanted to explore the concept of forgiveness.
In the course of my life there are many things I have done. I am human and I err. I accept that flaw in myself for it is a human condition and we all suffer from it. A week ago I was discussing with my friend, the concept of forgiveness circulated among Muslims. Let me clarify this now, this concept seems to be prevalent in Muslims who have basic or general knowledge of Islam. Our discussion centered on the unforgiveables i.e shirk, zina and murder. This post will be an account of what was said and what I learnt from research.
One of Allah's attributes is Al-Ghaffar, The Forgiver. Why then when people talk of the unforgiveables most of them believe that these are acts that cannot be forgiven? Allah is the only one who knows what is forgiveable and what isn't. Furthermore he knows who he forgives and who he doesn't. Who are we to pass judgment on others by saying "So and so is going to hell." ? We are liking ourselves to knowing what Allah knows. One of my fondest hadeeths is one I kept bringing back in the discussion. In the hadeeth it is said that when a believer asks for forgiveness Allah comes running. That in my mind says that Allah will forgive anything as long as the repenter is sincere.
The requirements for forgiveness are simple. First, you have to be sincere in the intentions then, you give up and avoid the sin you are repenting. You are also supposed to regret the sin and sincerely resolve to not repeat it for Allah's sake and from the fear of punishment. Allah will turn your bad deeds into good deeds if following the repentance, the believer engages in righteous deed. The last condition is restoring people's rights and property if the sin involved wrongdoing unto others. All these conditions, it goes without saying, have to happen before death.
“The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace; Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds; for those, Allaah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful” [al-Furqaan 25:69-70]The best time to ask for repentance, according to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is during the last 1/3 of the night. Allah is said to be in the lowest part of heaven, "Who will call upon Me so that I may answer him? Who will ask Me so that I may give to him? Who will seek My forgiveness so that I may forgive him?’” (Narrated by Muslim, no. 758).
So my dear brothers and sisters, use this time (second part of Ramadhan) and ask for forgiveness because Allah is Oft-Forgiving and more so during this Holy Month. He alone knows what sincerity lies in our hearts when we beg for forgiveness. Inshallah may we be protected from any sins we commit and be forgiven for any we have commited. Amin.
Good post....thanx for the reminder siste. We tend to forget the stuff you pointed out and play jury, judge and executioner.
I pray Allah accepts our repentance on this holy month....ameen
By the way.....I was awaiting the video about the manda making process....wanted to suprise my family one ramadhan afternoon. Hope you plan to post it soon inshaAllah.
Otherwise....I hope uko poa inshaAllah na Ramadhan ina ku treat cool :D
Salaams siste,
I did do the manda video but it is long and I can't post cause I am only allowed 100 MBs. When I was taping the video I was busy chatting with my sister and aunt so I didn't stop after each segment. I can e-mail you the link cause its on my goggle account and you can watch it cause for real lol all you will hear ni usabasi and our conversation about things going on in our life. Let me know and I will send you the link cause I think I still have your e-mail from last time.
Hope family iko poa. Ameen on your dua and I wouldn't have posted the subject without my friend and I arguing over it in the first place.
Ps:- I was just going to post the recipe in text format one of these nights.
SD, wonderful advice walaal. It is always a rich reminder to people that God forgives most sins save for ishrak and that redemption is open when sincere.
Go on SD, send it to me then....atleast I will be entertained while learning how to cook lol
I sent it. Use the text format too incase in the midst of entertainment you lose track of whats going on.(Its the post underneath this).
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