Thursday, December 25, 2008


I was sitting on our couch reading a book while the rest of the family watched something on the telly. This included my four sisters and my brother. A man walked in and stood by the hallway entrance. He seemed familiar but I didn't/couldn't place his face. He motioned my brother to step outside with him for what I assumed to be a private affair. After a few minutes my brother comes back in and beckons to my other siblings. Realizing this was odd I just kept on reading. The minutes dragged on and finally everyone reconvened back in the living room, including the man.

The man came to sit across from me and waited silently. Finally I looked up. His eyes were the most beautiful hazel eyes I have ever seen. I stared willing a memory to resurface but I must have been staring hard because he flashed me a brilliant smile. Blushing I went back to my reading. "Ahem....I came to ask for your hand in marriage.***insert long silence***I talked to your family and they will support whatever decision you come to. **blink blink**All I am asking is for you to hear me out." I turned to look around to make sure this was really happening. A strange man walked into my house and asked for my hand. My siblings looked back at me with expectant faces.

I turned back to my suitor and examined him closer. His pants were ironed, his teeth were straight, he sat up straight, his nails were clipped and clean and by instinct I sniffed in his general direction. The scent he had on was unmistakable, it was Black by Kenneth Cole. I got up from my seat and motioned him to follow me. I lead the way towards the door and he followed close, holding the door open. In the crisp air outside, he took charge leading to me to a black Audi parked next to my Camry.

Beep Beep Beep Beep. I hit my alarm with my arm as I turned to squint at the clock. It was all a dream. This I find peculiar because I never dream. When I sleep I rarely get into REM sleep but I must have to dream this vividly. What remains to be answered is what it means.


Unknown said...

i didn't think it was a dream until the end....nice place you got here

Aya's Den said...

SD, we need to know what happened after you stepped out of the door!

What is it about hazel eyes? I think they are the most lovely of all eye colours.

Sine said...

Lol,t'is a shame that it was just a dream.

SleepDepraved said...

Thanks my thoughts for the compliment. Aya, I don't even know what happened after I left. I woke up :( I am left wondering how to interpret the dream I had.

Unheardphilosopher said...

Every dream is connected with your own "reality". Thus, in interpreting your dreams, it is important to draw from your personal life and experiences. Perhaps, you might have had a thing for a hazel eyed and financially stabble neat man with a touch of sensible style. There your inner desire was projected in your dream which seemed very real to you....Some dreams can become realities and realities are nothing but a dream turned into realities.........once you led him outside and saw his ride...your dream could because in your fantasy of such guy has never fully riped thus you didn't have anything to continue with....

Auu said...

did he have a British accent then, cause it could hav been love, but my teeth is not straight unless i had them done.

SleepDepraved said...

^^^Presumptuous fella aren't you? It was a dream but apparently there is a dreammania going on with people who know me. They are all dreaming about me with babies/boyfriends/husbands. Must be something in the air noh?

Unheard interesting take on it fantasy or dream its all exists in another realm.

Ps:- Auu Next time leave a calling card :P