Monday, May 03, 2010


I have been working on a personal project for one year. It is really shameful if I factor in all the hours/minutes and energy I have put in on other people's project. Each time I sit down to finish my project, mind you it only needs tweaking and some updating, I feel lethargic and down right lazy.

I am beginning to wonder if I have a subconscious issue with this project. I have been sitting in front of my laptop for the past two hours and I have just barely made a dent. I have a pile of notes sitting by me that I have diligently compiled over the months. I know the material like the back of my hand but when it comes down to putting it in action I am stumped.

Today, Inshallah, I intend to finish this project come hell or high water. I am going to lose out on a great many opportunities due to this negligence. Ugh, pray for me :( My mind is devious in coming up with excuses.

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